Fall enrollment is closed. Spring enrollment opens on November 1, 2023.


The Greenhouse

For ages 3-7

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Acton Academy

For Ages 8-11

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Our Mission
We believe each person who enters Acton Academy will find a calling that changes the world.

Our Promises
We promise through Socratic guiding and experiential learning to encourage each member of our community to:

  • Begin a Hero’s Journey;
  • Discover precious gifts and a commitment to mastery
  • Become a curious, independent, life-long learner
  • Embrace the forging of a strong character
  • Cherish the arts, the physical world, and the mysteries of life
  • Treasure economic, political, and religious freedom

Our Beliefs

  • We believe each person has a gift that can change the world in a profound way.
  • We believe in learning to learn, learning to do, and learning to be.
  • We believe in a closely connected family of lifelong learners.
  • We believe in economic, political, and religious freedom.

Our Educational Philosophy
We believe clear thinking leads to good decisions, good decisions lead to the right habits, the right habits forge character, and character determines destiny.

The Application Process

Our Admissions Process. Our enrollment process is designed to ensure we are the right learning environment for your family. We are a 9 month school with open enrollment as space permits. Please review the process below and feel free to reach out with any questions.

Step 01


All interested families should read/review the following:

  • Wild Oak an Acton Academy website, videos & FAQs

You can see a complete list of our Resouces by clicking here

Step 02


If, after your research, you feel that Wild Oak Acton Academy is a fit for your family then you can Apply Now!

There is a $50 non-refundable application fee.

Once your application is received, we will contact you to arrange a 20 minute phone interview.

Step 03

Get to Know You

(Invitation Only):
If all parties are in agreement that Wild Oak is a great fit, your learner will be invited to two shadow days on campus.

Once your child is accepted into Wild Oak, a $350 deposit is required to hold your spot.

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More About Us

Ex tempor euismod sapientem ouis lexor pro. Ad vix dicta iudico singulis, ius ex mollis veritus.

Possit tritani consectetuer eu his, nusquam minimum ut per, eu eos ocurreret splendide hendrerit. Dicant placerat democritum eos id, sit mollis invidunt mediocritatem ei, ne fuisset dolores periculis sed.

Te elit antiopam vix zril recusabo ut pri. Quas suscipit ad mea verear vivendo tincidunt.

Pri cu dico labores officiis, odio principes complectitur ad sea. Sea id doctus forensibus, nec lorem vocent aliquam eu. Aliquid definitiones id cum, ad meliore perpetua referrentur sed. Quas suscipit ad mea verear vivendo tincidunt.

Our Resources

View All Resources

Frequently Asked Questions

What is tuiton?

2 day option $3240
4 day option $5760
Extended Day $24/day

Full day $9,000
Half day $5,000

Discovery Studio:

What does nature based learning mean?

A nature based education has a variety of benefits including positive academic and social emotional outcomes. Forest school programs naturally focus on hands on (experiential) learning techniques. They allow children to seamlessly apply the scientific method of developing questions, testing hypotheses and creating conclusions that inform their theories and worldview. All weather outdoor play allows children to build awareness and risk management skills as well as physical and mental resilience.

What do you mean by “a hero’s journey”?

We believe that each of us has a special calling in life, and a series of trials and tests that must be faced with integrity and purpose in order to live a satisfying and fulfilled life. Our mission is to prepare your child for his or her special journey.

What kind of learner thrives at WOA?

Kids who love to learn, are curious, self-motivated, and respectful. Our environment is an accelerator for the independent learner who can tackle challenging questions, follow instructions, and solve problems.

Why a "Learner-Driven Studio"?

At WOA we believe in learning to be and learning to do. An important part of this is encouraging learners to take responsibility for their own behavior & hold those around them to a high standard. When something isn’t working, we want our students to work together to solve the problem, not look for an adult to solve it for them. This creates a sense of independence and confidence that will serve them well in all areas of life!

How much time is spent on computers?

At WOA we believe in learning to be and learning to do. An important part of this is encouraging kids to take responsibility for their own behavior. Our blended learning model allows each child to spend a portion of the school day working on core academic work that is matched to his or her ability. This equates to approximately 60 minutes, or less, per day, for most learners. Weekly goal setting helps direct this time. Additionally, learners may access their computers in order to conduct research or to write during group and individual projects. When something isn’t working, we want our students to work together to solve the problem, not look for an adult to solve it for them. This creates a sense of independence and confidence that will serve them well in all areas of life!

Do you offer services and/or behavioral support for children with special needs?

We do not offer special services for learners with learning disabilities or behavioral challenges. We will determine our ability to serve learners on an individual basis.

Do you accept or offer scholarships?

As of now, we are unable to participate in any scholarship programs. We will continue to update this information so please check back.

What age ranges do you accept?

We currently are accepting applications for learners between the ages of 3 and 11 years old.

Are you a Montessori school?

While we are not an official Montessori school, at WOA we use what we believe are the best of Montessori methods: mixed-age classrooms, student choice within limits, large blocks of work time, learning through “discovery,” and freedom of movement in the classroom. Then we go three important steps further by using the best 21st century e-Learning tools, immersing learners in real-world projects, and adhering to the Socratic method of instruction, which emphasizes asking and answering questions to cultivate critical thinking. Our learners don’t just memorize facts; they learn how to learn, learn how to do and learn how to be.

Are you a religious school?

While we expose children to the importance of mindfulness, ethical principles, and the significance of religion in history and the development of society, we are not a religious school. We value and respect individual beliefs and are open to Believers, Searchers, and Non-Believers alike.

Will children be grouped together by grades?

We believe that children learn best when working with children younger and older than themselves rather than split up into groups based solely on age. In addition to individualized curriculum, all ages of students work together in groups.

If there are no grades, how do you track student success?

Discovery Studio Exhibitions are held at the end of each session to allow each learner the opportunity to share what they have learned and accomplished.

Are you part of a chain or franchise?

Wild Oak is an independent private hybrid school that is part of an affiliate network from which it finds its inspiration and receives mentorship from the founding Acton Academy in Austin, Texas. Our network of affiliates is passionate about revolutionizing education, pursuing best practices, and protecting a learner-driven environment. Each affiliate follows their own methods in keeping with these commitments and varies based on the leadership at each school and community they serve.

What is the homework policy?

We do not require homework. However, many of our learners set their own ambitious goals and, in turn, may choose to supplement their classroom learning with learning or work on a project about which they are passionate at home. Reading for pleasure is always encouraged!

How involved are your families?

Attending WOA is not just a new path for the learner, but for the learner’s family, as well. The Acton mindset is one of open-mindedness, fearlessness, and the ability to own failures and celebrate successes. Being part of the Acton community means committing to a growth mindset: one that cherishes mistakes as learning opportunities. It also means embracing being part of our community. As a parent to a learner, each academic year you will be invited to attend each session’s last-day Exhibition. While volunteering is not a requirement, many of our learners’ families enjoy sharing their talents with our community (e.g., teaching woodworking, assisting with social media, coaching, teaching yoga, helping with fundraising, painting our studios, etc.).

Ex tempor euismod sapientem ouis lexor pro. Ad vix dicta iudico singulis, ius ex mollis veritus.

Possit tritani consectetuer eu his, nusquam minimum ut per, eu eos ocurreret splendide hendrerit. Dicant placerat democritum eos id, sit mollis invidunt mediocritatem ei, ne fuisset dolores periculis sed.

Te elit antiopam vix zril recusabo ut pri. Quas suscipit ad mea verear vivendo tincidunt.

Pri cu dico labores officiis, odio principes complectitur ad sea. Sea id doctus forensibus, nec lorem vocent aliquam eu. Aliquid definitiones id cum, ad meliore perpetua referrentur sed. Quas suscipit ad mea verear vivendo tincidunt.

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Learn more about our admissions process. Our enrollment process is designed to ensure we are the right learning environment for your family.

Wild Oak is an equal opportunity organization and will not allow discrimination based upon ethnicity, ancestry, gender, national origin, disability, race, size, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic background, or any other status prohibited by applicable law.